Welcome to Babbler

Share your ideas not your data.

Join an amazing community of people around the world.

Amazing Features

Enjoy these amazing features that you will find nowhere else but only here on Babbler!


No hidden charges all over the platform and of course your freedom to express your thoughts minus the controversy.

The Privacy Promise

Keeping the users data is of utmost priority and hence require none of your confidential data ever.
No email. No Name.
No location permissions.
Just your own unique username.


Secure for you, your device and your browser. We don't need any of your data, ever.

Start your own discussion thread!

Everything from your thoughts about traffic jam to strawberry jam are welcome!

Enter a discussion about your favourite topic.

Leave unlimited comments below a post or start a discussion thread of your own about anything ever to exist.

Start your own discussion thread!

Everything from your thoughts about traffic jam to strawberry jam are welcome!